CAD Engineering

CAD Engineering

Tropical Stencils staff of Engineers comes with years of experience in Stencil design and on hands manufacturing expertise. Let our staff help with your design of your Stencil for optimum print quality and repeatable quality print deposits. The foundation starts with our design guidelines based on IPC-7525A and we enhance from their based on our customers’ requirements, equipment, process and solder paste.

Design Services

Custom aperture reduction
Glue Stencil Aperture Design Glue Stencil Aperture Design

Pin In Hole (PIH) Aperture Design


Home-plate design
BGA custom pad
Custom Aperture design

Area Ratio/Aspect Ratio

 To achieve proper paste release from the stencil, an aperture's aspect ratio should be >1.5, and the area ratio should be >0.66. When the stencil separates from the board, paste release encounters a competing process; solder paste will either transfer to the pad on the board or stick to the aperture side walls. When the pad area is greater than 0.66 of the inside aperture wall area, a complete paste transfer should occur. Please see the below calculator which you can use to determine pad size for your aperture, and foil thickness of the stencil.

View Our Online Area/Aspect Ratio Calculator
